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Axe and Bow

A Legolas and Gimli fan archive

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The First Time

by Lady Q

Category: Poetry
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: This poem is based on characters and situations created and owned by JRR Tolkien. No money is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
Feedback: Yes
Summary: : Gimli's POV of when he first saw Legolas
A/N: This goes out to Solace for being the best beta ever and for giving me a shoulder to cry on :)

The first time that I ever saw your face,
I knew that I would love you till the end of time.
The first time that I looked into your eyes,
I knew you held my heart and soul.
When we first met, I knew we shouldn't love each other.
How wrong I was.
For when we first kissed, I knew I would love you till the end of time.


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Issue No.: 2.6
Site Last Updated: 11 May 2003
Webmistress: Mogs
URL: http://axebow.hakaze.com/