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Axe and Bow

A Legolas and Gimli fan archive

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Through Rohan

by Jacquez H. Valentine

Category: Poetry
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Based on characters and events created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Used without permission. No money made, no harm intended.
Feedback: Certainly.
Author's Website: http://www.dementia.org/~jacquez/writing/
Summary: Riding through Rohan
A/N: For Cara

Thy hair flows like silk over me;
Thy heart beats like drums before me;
The horse runs fleet under me;
We ride together out of the North.

Thy breath comes quickly to thy breast;
Thy heart beats strong within thy chest;
To thy body I listen, as I do best;
We ride together out of the North.

Thy legs are lean against my own;
Thy shape was formed in lands unknown;
An Elven-jewel, in woodlands grown;
We ride together out of the North.

Thy arms brace like steel around me;
Thy breath is warm as summer on me;
In battle fierce thou fought beside me;
We ride together out of the North.

Thy stout heart and strength of hand,
Thy courage that the mountains spanned,
Has this flame within me fanned.
We ride together out of the North.

Thy sharp tongue and sharper axe,
Thy form which Elven beauty lacks,
Yet my heart yields to thy attacks
We ride together out of the North.

May we ride forever out of the North!


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Issue No.: 2.6
Site Last Updated: 11 May 2003
Webmistress: Mogs
URL: http://axebow.hakaze.com/